Story of 1188 Brewing Company
The brewery hatched from the bond of two families, sisters Shannon and Jennifer, and their spouses, Jeremy and Ken. All valuing the freedom of the wilderness enjoyed in eastern Oregon. The brewery name comes from the racing numbers of Shannon and Jennifer’s father and Ken’s father, combining as ‘1188’. It’s been noted that these numbers work both right-side-up and upside down, as was the rough and tumble culture of classic snowmobile racing circa 1975 in eastern Oregon.
The city of John Day, Oregon imbues the culture of 1188 with a generous spirit and gregarious style. This is a small city with big heart, and all are welcome. From their initial roots in the region, Shannon and husband Jeremy envisioned that a brew pub could be a hub for the local community. Breweries have always been a frequent destination for these four and they created a motivation for mastering the craft of brewing. Adding to this the theme of widening the circle to welcome newcomers, whether around a campfire or a taproom, and the concept for 1188 was now set.
“Time Well Spent”

1188 Brewing Company, established in 2012 and opening the Restaurant and Pub in 2013, the sense of family inclusion extends through a growing team of brewers and staff. A theme behind the craft beers of 1188 is exploration into new territory. Brewers John Spencer and Julie Bowling added their enthusiasm for the craft as increasing quantities of exotic malts, hops and rye were shipped in from farms as far away as England and Belgium. The beers of 1188 are organized around Series, the first being named after the Garage Days of the launch of the brewery. Step by step and pint by pint an equitable organization grew up to serve excellent food and cold drinks to an eclectic variety of patrons. In sum, welcoming newcomers to the area and forging durable memories.
“1188 is all about family, tradition and time well spent!”
— Jeremy Adair, Chief Instigator and Original Brewer
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